Privacy Policy


Accessing and browsing this website (the “Website”) shall be considered full acceptance of the terms and conditions specified herein. If you do not intend to accept the Terms, please do not use this Website.

ROSSOEVOLUTION SRL (hereinafter “ROSSOEVOLUTION”) reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions in any moment without the need of any prior notice. Accessing the Website after any of this modifications shall be considered full acceptance of the same.

The information, logos, graphics, audio content, images, trademarks and any other material published and/or reproduced on this Website are the property of ROSSOEVOLUTION (or are used with the permission of third parties). The reproduction of part of the content of the Website is allowed exclusively with upon the prior written consent of ROSSOEVOLUTION.

It is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit or disseminate any part of the content of the Website without prior written consent of ROSSOEVOLUTION. In particular, it is forbidden to copy the software programs that allow the functioning of the Website, to create programs similar to them, source and/or use the source code utilized in these programs.

All personal data sent to the AWE EVENTS website shall be handled in full compliance with data protection legislation. The communication of and data or information of a non-personal nature shared with ROSSOEVOLUTION through this Website (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, designs, etc.) shall imply the granting to ROSSOEVOLUTION of the exclusive, unlimited and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, show, implement, change, transmit and distribute such non-personal information. The communication of such information shall automatically grant its assignment, freely and exclusively, with the widest rights of use and discretion to ROSSOEVOLUTION.

ROSSOEVOLUTION do not guarantee continual updating of the information contained in this Website and cannot be held responsible for any resulting damage, including damages caused by computer viruses, which the Website users might incur through accessing or connecting to the Website or from downloading its content. Hypertext links present on this Website may direct users to web pages of third-party websites. In such cases, ALESSANDRO ROSSO assumes no liability with regard to either the content of such websites or the use third parties may make of it, as regards any resulting damage caused by or resulting from access to such websites, the interconnection to them or downloading material from them.

The access to the Website is governed by Italian law. All the disputes between ROSSOEVOLUTION and third parties in connection to the access and/or navigation of the Website shall be submitted to the Italian jurisdiction and to the exclusive venue of the Court of Milan.

Registered office: 20124 Milan - Piazza Quattro Novembre, 7
VAT and Tax Code: IT0163910960


This information policy is governed by Article 13 of Legislative Decress 196/2003 – Privacy Code - and is given to the subjects who interact with the ROSSOEVOLUTION on-line services, accessing the address

The policy is given for the Website only, and not also for any other websites which the user accesses to through the Website.


    1. Navigation data
      During their normal function, IT systems and Website software procedure acquire some personal data, whose transmission is implicit in the browsing e on the internet.
      These data are not collected to be associated to identified people, but Considering their nature itself they could permit to identify the Users, if linked to other information belonging to third parties.
      These kind of data are: IP addresses, the domain name of the computers used by Users browsing the Website, the URI address (Uniform Resource Identifier) about the research, the time of the web research, the web method used to carry out the research, the response file size, the numerical code sent by the server about the outcome (for example: error 404), and other parameters on User’s operating system and computing environment.
      These kind of data are used for research and statistic purposes only about the utilization of the Website and for testing its correct operation. They are immediately cancelled after their use.
      The data shall be used in order to verify the liability in case of IT crime committed against the Website: except for this event, data are conserved not longer than seven days.
    2. Freely uploaded data
      In case the User sends an email to our email address as shown in the Website, he agreed to give us his or her email address. After receiving an email, we record in our database the sender’s address in order to respond to him or to her. At the same time, potential other personal data included in the email shall be recorded in our database, too.
      In our Website we publish dedicated notes referring to particular services which may be requested by the Users.
    The Websites uses the so-called “Cookies”. They are simple information recorded by the browse on the User’s hard disk in order to trace his or her movements on the Website. In this way, anytime the User browse the Website, he or she could be recognized and his or her potential preferences, previously shown, could be used. Cookies use anonymous information and can not allow the usage of personal information and data. On the other hand, Cookies could be used to record User’s login data and allow his or her automatic identification (therefore rendering unnecessary to repeat the login procedure at any access).

    The main part of the browser automatically accepts Cookies. Anyway, the User may configure his or her browser in different ways, in order to exclude, see in advance and delete Cookies. It will be possible at any time to request the deactivation of the Cookies, modifying the browser’s settings, however such operation could slow down or stop the data uploading. Anyway, except for the aforementioned data, any other personal information shall be collected, except for the voluntary given ones.

    Personal data treatment shall be done through electronic or paper suitable instruments, always regarding the abovementioned purposes and granting data security.

    User’s personal data shall not be communicated or promulgated to other parties but the abovementioned.

    Regarding the treatment described in point 1., User’s shall have the rights provided for by in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196 and subsequent amendments, which is reproduced in full below.

    Article 7
    (Right to Access to Personal Data and Other Rights)

    1. Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her exist, regardless of they being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.
    2. Anyone has the right to be informed: a) of the source of the personal data; b) of the purposes and methods of the treatment; c) of the rationale of the treatment, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic devices; d) of the identifying data of the data holder, of the data processors and of the representative designated pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2; e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing.
    3. Anyone has the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data; b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data which have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently treated; c) certification that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.
    4. Anyone has the right to claim, in whole or in part: a) on legitimate grounds, to the treatment of personal data concerning him or her, albeit falling in the purpose of the collection; b) to the treatment of personal data concerning him or her made for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the carrying out of market or commercial communication surveys.
    Data processor shall be Rossoevolution SRL

    Any request concerning personal data and their usage shall be done to the representative itself to company lead legal office in Milan, Via Vittor Pisani 15, or by sending an email to the following address:

Via Ippolito Nievo, 33 - 20145 Milano Milano
Corso Marconi 4 - 10125 Torino
Viale Cesare Giulio Viola, 27 (Torre B) - 00148 Roma